Saturday, July 16, 2011

Expect the Unexpected

We left when it was raining.

The forecast called for rain all day.

It went through sporadic moments of drizzle to downpour.

We were prepared for it.

Extra clothing, puddlejumpers, rain jackets, rain cover for the stroller, toques (because it is cold)...

Filomi Parade was great. The events after were fun.

Despite the rain, we were enjoying our time.

Then for 20 glorious minutes it was sunny.

20 minutes of real, honest to goodness, sun.

We were prepared for rain-but not the sun.

So now I feel guilty.

My little ginger girl has a mild sunburn.  Her first sunburn of many that I am sure are to come...(but hopefully kept to a minimum where I can help it)...

What was I thinking? Why did I know bring the sun tan lotion? Her hat?

Why didn't I just put the sunscreen on in the a.m. regardless of the forecast that never really tells the whole truth anyways?

Now I wonder...what is worse, the pain she may feel, or the guilt I feel?

Tomorrow it calls for rain...but, I think I'll keep the sunscreen on hand.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Good Morning Indeed


Do you hear that?

I know right-it's......(dare I say it)......silent.

That's right.

I woke up early, had breakfast, a shower, did my hair, worked out even.

My beautiful child, where is she?

She is nestled in to her Dad-sleeping soundly.

That's right.

I have three hours to myself.

No babysitter. No frazzled husband at the end of it.

I almost don't know what to do with myself.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Had to laugh...

Women's Words surely...

...because I 'dunno' just isn't in our vocabulary!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Where is Summer?

The perks of being (the wife of) a teacher.


Remember as a kid, how summers lasted forever?

How one day lasted forever and you lived on freezies, and anything that was quick, easy, and allowed you to return to the neighbor's yard for another go on the trampoline...

Well, it is summer.

Only, it's to cold to enjoy a freezie, never mind hang out outside for any length of time. The sun has been totally MIA, maybe it missed the memo that it our time for summer.

Plus, despite the fact that it is already almost mid July, I have hardly felt like we have had a break since there has been so much to do; things have been put off until the end of the school year, and the list is ever so slowly being checked off.

Most of it is done though, so...

Hey-you-Mr. Sun...please shine down on me, I am in desperate need of vitamin D...without it I feel lousy...please shine down on, please shine down on, please shine down on me!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Having a good babysitter is key.


We just had our girl come for the second time to spend with Jay and even though we didn't go 'out' we got lots done.

I think that's the trick, for those of you who aren't sure about leaving your lil' one all alone with the babysitter at first...

Get your babysitter to come, come with you shopping, to the beach, to the park, or hang out in the house.

You, do whatever it is you need to do, with the comfort of knowing that if it gets crazy you are around still.

You get that mental 'ahhh' without the stress or, sometimes even the guilt, that comes with going 'out'.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Moving Momz: Just Walk

Okay, LOVE that you are reading this.

But once this is done, you are going for a walk.

I know, I have SO much to do.

Laundry, dishes, vacuuming, clothes to put away, shirts that you should have ironed weeks ago, plus you really need to do the grocery shopping, oh shoot-you forgot to pull that thing-a-ma-bob out of storage for the week, and you need to address that letter so it goes out Monday and...


Yes, there are tons of things to be done. Aren't there always?

But for now, you are going to go, pack up your kids (yes I know it is hard), and you are going to a park, walk to the store, walk around the block, I don't care where.

Just go walk for 20 minutes. Get your heart rate up. You could even chase after those kids of yours...or push the stroller UP the big hill instead of down.

Just 20 minutes.

Now go.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

My dear friend...

It is always hard to watch your friends go through heartache.
It is hard to sit, feeling helpless, just as they surely stop their world from spiraling, seemingly, out of control.
To those of us who know someone who is hitting that bump in the road, that each one of us do from time-to-time, reach out to them. Let them know that you are there for them...
When we are in the thick of 'it' (whatever 'it' is for each individual person), we hear people say "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger", and at the doesn't really help does it?!
No, it isn't until we are out of 'it', that we can see the growth in our lives, in our character...
But I'm going to say it anyways-to my girl out there, "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".
Only time will begin to reveal this new facet of your beautiful character-take time to heal, take time to rise above, to learn, and know that you are not alone.
With love.
Busy Life Of a Mom and Daycare Provider: A new chapter?: "Well it is official, I just broke up with my fiance. It was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made in my life. I keep wondering if th..."

To Just Live It and Love It