We keep up with the Jones'. We put on the facade of having money. We are raising generations of children who need to "have everything I didn't have". We charge it. We use those famous words "I deserve this...". We don't say say 'no'.
Then we feel awful. We try to ignore it. We try to run away from it. We try to shuffle it around. We are desperate for the quick fix.
What I think is really missing from all of this though, is just plain common sense.
Step1: Open the eyes. Take a look at where your money is going. Pull out everything from the last 6 months and examine it with a fine tooth comb.
Step2: Where are the problem areas? Determining what the root of the problem is is the beginning of making a change.
Step3: Make a plan. Tell someone about it.
Step4: Follow through. Yes, you heard me, follow through.
Step5: Repeat as necessary!
Of course, I could never suggest this if I we weren't already doing this for our family, I know exactly how hard it is. We have learned...in many cases, the hard way...but we have also learned vicariously through friends and family.
So-full disclosure here, we have debt...Okay, we have a lot of debt.
We struggle.
Student loans, a vehicle, countless moves (across provincial lines and back again, to the island and a number in town), a wedding...
So, I'll pass on things I've learned, feel free to send me your thoughts and hard-learned lessons...begin your own countdown to no debt and a brighter future!
Keep an eye out for my Dollar$ and $en$e posts!
One last note: I appreciate you taking any advice to heart, but remember, none of what I have written should take place of financial advice from your financial adviser or banker. Use this as a stepping stone.
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