Thursday, June 30, 2011

Czech 1, 2, 3

It was one of the (many) reasons I fell in love with him.

When he spoke it made my knees shake.

I always wanted to date/marry a foreign man.

In fact, many of my short novels that I wrote as a teenager, were all based around fabulous men from far away places that I had never been.

My Auntie, and matron of honor, had said "you now have your very own fairytale".

Which was true. You see my husband was born in the Czech Republic. His family moved here when he was eight years old, and much to my excitement, they have retained their native language. In truth, I am sure that after all this time, he sees himself as Canadian as can be...but neither of us forget the journey his family took to get here.

So, as we celebrate the last day of work for my hubby for the next few months, I am also eager for the thousands of opportunities that will surely arise, where he can speak to her.

Jedna, Dva, Tri-as they say...

Yes, this summer will be the beginning of language for my daughter, in both Czech and English.

It will also be a summer of rekindling the love I have for my husband, that has blossomed into a family of our own, and a future of possibilities beyond our wildest dreams.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

To the parents of '19 Kids and Counting'

Are you crazy?



I can barely manage one.

Last night was already a late night, an 11pm night. Then she wanted to eat every 40-45 minutes. So by 2:00am I had not slept a wink and she was still wanting the boob.

So my poor hubby took over, came down stairs and hung out with her on the couch while I cried myself to sleep.

At 5:00am, he came up with her and I fed her. Again with the 40-45 minute thing until he left for work at 8:25am.

Then she wanted to play. So we played...and we played for a good 1.5 hrs until she was all wore out. Of course-I was so over-wired I was a borderline maniac.

Then once again, she fed, and slept until my husband came home at noon.

Now will someone please tell me why you would want to go through that 19 times?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again... do they really get different results? 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I don't consider myself an overly lucky person.

I've had a fair amount of good come my way.

With lots of struggle...

I'm not one of these people that 'clean up' with fab prizes.

My brother on the other hand...that boy has a horseshoe up his you-know-what...(note: that sentence is totally hilarious, considering the scenario it would take to get a horseshoe up the you-know-what...)

Just once though, I would LOVE to be that lucky one.

Crossing my fingers, holding my thumbs.

Let this be the week.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Confused baby...

I cracked up laughing at this one.


I am sure my daughter thought I was a little deranged.

I think any parent would find this parent...especially those who have breastfed, or attempted.

This Baby is Quite Confused! - The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Doesn't this just say it all...

My brother, in a moment of epiphany's for himself and his life of nerver-ending possibilities, stumbled across this-and shared it...


At first I couldn't help but laugh...

But the innocence struck me so dead on, that I couldn't help but be inspired.

We lose that, as we get older.

We blame it on 'life experiences' that have caused us to 'wise up'.

In truth, so much of our decisions lie in fear. Fear of the consequences, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of being hurt, fear of what others might think or say.

We need to find balance between passion, hope and that carefree feeling children have, with common sense.

Wouldn't you love to accomplish something-and have the excitement in your voice, to match his?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dollar$ and $en$e-Cool w/ Credit

I was told a story once that stuck with me.

My stepdad went to buy his first CD player/sound system. He went into the store and eyed up a system. It was perfect, great quality (in fact he still owns it to this day). He didn't have the money for it at the time and had every intention of putting it on credit. The guy at the store however told him that he needed to go home and put the money away for the system. That he would feel better about buying it outright.

Now this guy, probably lost commission that day, but I think he was being smart, because he got a life-long customer out of him.

My stepdad, he went home and saved up the money and went back and bought it. I think he did feel better. He also took better care of the system, he knew how hard he had to work to get it.

Now a days, debt is expected and accepted.

Few of us ever save for anything.

It has to stop. We can't keep doing this...we aren't teaching our kids to work for what they want, we aren't teaching them how to delay gratification, how to have patience.

Credit has become our answer, nay, our way out of the marshmallow test.

Loans, credit, they cover everything from emergencies to: cars, vacations, weddings, new furniture, fancy meals, new clothes, that fabulous pair of shoes that you just 'had to have', the top of the line stroller-you name it, we charge it.

So what do you do? Fancy something new. Whatever is it, price it much do you need to set away to get that item?

If you were going to put it on VISA and pay $50 payments until it was paid off, how about saving it up instead.

Saving it up--> 64GB iPod touch costs $400.00, you can put away $50/month $400/$50=8 months, you have it free and clear...

Throw it on credit--> 64GB iPod touch costs $400.00, you put it on VISA with a 18% interest rate (pretty average) with a min. charge of 2%, it's going to take 62 months to pay off, and cost you $215 more...that's $615 and 4.5 years MORE of your life...

You do the math-was that worth it? Stop being cool with credit-save yourself the $$$.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Moving Momz: Eat Less, Move More

In a culture of yo-yo dieting we, as a society, have come to expect weight loss to be some big science.

It's not.

My husband happens to think this SNL is hilarious.

I think it really does speak to those of us who have been bombarded by everything from Atkins, to grapfruit and beer diets.

Get off your couch, your computer chair, whatever it is you are sitting on...give this 'miracle' a try-you'll be shocked at how something so 'simple', and 'cost effective' can 'change your life'.


Circle of Life

Woke up this morning with this sitting in my inbox-thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law.

I couldn't help but get a little choked up.

Emotional at the best of times, it's hardly a surprise that I shed a few tears at this one.

I just can't help but be in awe of the power of birth, human or otherwise.

It is a reminder of  the circle of life (cue Elton John singing)-and how miraculous our time on earth is.

Have a good day everyone, and take a moment to relish in the miraculous things that you have done.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brand baby?

Loves tags.

No, really, she loves them.

It doesn't matter what toy you give her, what blanket, if there is a tag-she'll find it.

You lay her on her favorite blankie (courtesy of her Auntie D) and she goes right to it.

She then spends the next while tugging, flicking and sucking on it.

(I can't help but laugh at that sentence; I feel for the tag, my nipples know exactly what it feels like.)

I have some concerns though, about the whole tag thing-does it mean she is going to be a brand baby?

I hope not, because I don't think I can afford her if this is just the beginning of things to come.

Monday, June 20, 2011


It's been a while...

I find I am having a hard time writing with purpose.

Constant drival...not (totally) my style.

There are just so many things that interest me.

1. Finance, especially helping people avoid many of the mistakes my husband and I (as well as other friends we have learned vicariously through), have made.
2. Health and Fitness. I have done 1 1/2 years of Physical Education/Education degree...which was put on hold to be with my (now) husband. I have played soccer, coached soccer, taught aerobics, dance for a college class, and, overall, really enjoy the fitness industry. Soon to continue, because I am getting my Aquafit Instructors Certificate so I can teach here in my local community.
3. Family. Mines on the crazy side, there is always lots going on.
4. Education in general, I have worked with infants-to high school students. In daycares, as a nanny, and as a support worker in the school sysytem.
5. Music, I am currently teaching vocal lessons, which I love.
6. The arts in general. Part of the North Island Concert Society.
7. Travelling...
8. Of course-a huge passion, WRITING. I enjoy my blog. Have a few novels on the go (I am lacking focus with them, it's easy to get off course with a 5 month old) and have some children's book ideas on my mind...I would love to be published-one day.

So where do I got with all of this? What is the purpose?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day

To all those incredible men out there who take care of their babies, and their wives (partners etc;)...

Happy Father's Day

Truly, life would be a lot harder without you.

A shout out to new father-on this father's day-Cody. He and his wife had a baby boy, and together they get to celebrate this very special day for him. Cheers!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Aftermath

Like many others, I am embarassed, and horrified at the Vancouver Riots post Stanley cup loss.

It almost seems redundant expressing it here.

However, I feel it is important enough to note, once more.

Please note however, that those individuals responsible for damage and destruction are NOT Canucks fans. They may wear the jersey, but certainly not not the heart.

So, I hope, that through the power of social media, those responsible will be punished.

On another, more positive note...the Canucks did really well this season, and hopefully next year we will get another crack at the cup.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hockey Conspiracy

It took everything in me not to crack up laughing.

I am standing behind this guy talking to the cashier at the grocery store.

Of course they are talking hockey-who isn't? Seriously, even if you hate hockey, guaranteed you are talking about hating hockey, as the season drags on.

So the cashier makes a comment about it being dangerous for the Canucks going into game 7, despite home ice advantage.

"You know why it happened like this though right?!" the guy comments.

She gives him a questioning eye, and I can't help but to lean in to listen.

"The league makes more money this way, they stretch the series out because they get millions as each game progresses"

Yes, that's right, the league has decided to make money and that's why we are going to game 7.

It is hardly the first time I have heard of the hockey conspiracy and I can't help but give my head a shake. I think, truly, that people just love a good conspiracy, someone to hate, and hating big companies, big politics, big anything is the best way to exercise our right to 'stick it to the man'.

I left shaking my head. He must believe that the United States staged 9-11 and that walking on the moon was staged too.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Yesterday was tough.

The night was awful.

Not great timing since it was my husband's birthday and I had every inention of accomplishing various tasks, which all but came apart because I was tired.

Today however, I woke up to a smiling child.

Smiling must be a child's survival mechanism. It keeps us from eating our young.

My child has a killer smile.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Dollar$ and $en$e: Identity Theft

You hear about it happening.

I have received telemarketing calls before, you know, the one where "you won a trip courtesy of ___, now all you need to do is pay $XX.XX for administrative fees and the trip is all yours!".

It's creepy though, getting the call.

The, "I am calling from your bank, there has been a mistake, we need to confirm your information..."

I get why some people fall into the trap. You hear it and your heart starts pumping, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and the panic sets in.

I've watched CBC's Marketplace. I know how it works.

(Click on the link and see what Marketplace is up to.)

They ask me to spell my last name.

I don't.

I hang up the phone (politely), giving not a single shred of information and call my bank.


My advice to anyone who gets those kind of calls. Tell them "thanks for the information, I will be in contact soon for more information", then hang-up, and call the bank, hydro company (wherever the call is from) and confirm with them directly.

If it is true, they will re-route to the department that handles those concerns, if it isn't-you just saved yourself a lot of stress.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

They see me rollin...

She's on the move.

Like my sister-in-law said, it's pretty exciting when the first one does.

Then you get to the second and wise up.

It is pretty fantastic.

Except for the fact that now, when she rolls to her stomach she ends up in tears because she doesn't want to be on her stomach.

So you turn her over.

...and before you get up to go do something, she's rolled right over again.

I thought it was hard getting stuff done before...oh my.