Monday, June 20, 2011


It's been a while...

I find I am having a hard time writing with purpose.

Constant drival...not (totally) my style.

There are just so many things that interest me.

1. Finance, especially helping people avoid many of the mistakes my husband and I (as well as other friends we have learned vicariously through), have made.
2. Health and Fitness. I have done 1 1/2 years of Physical Education/Education degree...which was put on hold to be with my (now) husband. I have played soccer, coached soccer, taught aerobics, dance for a college class, and, overall, really enjoy the fitness industry. Soon to continue, because I am getting my Aquafit Instructors Certificate so I can teach here in my local community.
3. Family. Mines on the crazy side, there is always lots going on.
4. Education in general, I have worked with infants-to high school students. In daycares, as a nanny, and as a support worker in the school sysytem.
5. Music, I am currently teaching vocal lessons, which I love.
6. The arts in general. Part of the North Island Concert Society.
7. Travelling...
8. Of course-a huge passion, WRITING. I enjoy my blog. Have a few novels on the go (I am lacking focus with them, it's easy to get off course with a 5 month old) and have some children's book ideas on my mind...I would love to be published-one day.

So where do I got with all of this? What is the purpose?

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