Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I just spent the last hour trying to create a foot path in the play room/guest room.

A foot path!!!

As you can imagine, it's not quite being used for what it was intended to, not right now anyways.

But, since we scored a futon on the cheap to go in there it has become my job, to organize it so that we can get the futon in there.

Now I knew we had a lot of stuff (and I am not someone who holds on to anything and everything), but standing in the middle of the room, amongst boxes, toys and 100 other things---I felt like the room might cave-in on me at any moment.

Now there isn't much I can get rid of with baby #2 on the way. It just wouldn't make sense. I do look forward to the day where I can pick up all the boxes that I played tetris with in the closet though and gt rid of them.

How many of you are stuffed to the brim with items that you have neither used, nor looked at in the last year? Don't you think it's time to go through your stuff and get rid of it?

I promise you, you'd feel so much better.

Now, for a quick snack...and back to the disaster!

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Arlene Dickinson...saves our little town?

This past weekend, our little town has been a hive of busy bees.

Arlene Dickinson has that affect on people.

With the economy the way it has been in the past years, complicated by the fact that our town survives solely on fishing, logging  and (once upon a time) mining and, thankfully, the surrounding First Nations communities---it doesn't look good for local business.

In fact, it's hardly shocking when another one bites the dust.

However, this past weekend, we were thinking of anything but our, potentially-slowly dying town; instead, or minds were in the clouds, dreaming up the possibilities that our small town has to afford.

We all stood behind a local business, 'Hardy Buoys', who were filmed for CBC "The Big Decision"...their hope, for Arlene Dickinson to help invest in an invaluable piece of our community.

It has me thinking...even at the worst of times, when it feels like there is nothing else that can be done, the unimaginable can happen. If Arlene Dickinson can travel all the way to our little town-then surely, there is hope, not just for struggling business, but struggling families.

It'll be a wait, April 2nd, until we find out whether or not Hardy Buoys will be in the green again, but until then, all of us will be imagining the seemingly impossible...because, dreams really can come true.

So what's your dream?

What have you done to see it happen?

You might not need Arlene, but surely there is something you can do to make it happen-I certainly think you are worth it-don't you?!

Monday, February 27, 2012


What a busy weekend...

We have a beautiful bathroom to show for it though-so I am thrilled.

It did however put my writing temporarily on the backburner.

Of course, a sick child on top of all that didn't help.

However, I would argue that the reason I didn't write was because, even had I been able to muster energy after reno's and sick child, I had nothing left because...

I'm 20 weeks pregnant---and tired! Deliriously happy, but tired.

So happy, to finally share with you seemed out of place to word vomit all that had taken place in the last few months while I was M.I.A (though I agree this was kind of a big deal).

So, I am going to take my expectant belly up the stairs for a well deserved bath and some much needed rest and relaxation.


Friday, February 24, 2012

Moving Momz: When the rain gets you down... (and other excuses)

It's pretty hard to get motivated some days.

There are often 100 excuses.

My baby is sick, it's raining...

(Oh yeah---and I just don't feel like doing anything...)

We all know how we feel after we get a good workout in though, and shouldn't that be enough to motivate us?

Not always I know.

Especially when it feels like the couch and warm blanket is calling you...oh yeah, and the bag of chips and chocolates you picked up at the grocery store yesterday...

So today, whatever your excuse is for not wanting to pick your butt off the couch---I understand. But you aren't off that easy. You don't have to go for an hour long walk, you don't have to go for a run, jump on your WiiFit, lift weights, go you don't need to do that.

However, you can go and vacuum the house, paint that wall or room that you have been putting off, sort out the recycling, do some laundry, wash the floors. It doesn't have to be anything major-but you need to do something. I need to do something. Burn off a few extra calories, feel good about accomplishing something with your day, and make sure that you don't eat more calories than you plan on burning....

Sometimes, it just about moving...or 'not-sitting'. Promise-we'll all feel better.

Now, away you go...

See you tomorrow, with a freshly painted bathroom!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dollar$ and $ene$e: Can you afford to buy a home?

So my hubby and I finally bit the bullet and bought a house.

It was thrilling...exciting...and completely terrifying all at the same time.

Now before I get into our specific story, I wanted to address the first part that any one's decision should be to take the big step towards home ownership.


Now how does one assess this? When we first when in to see our banker to discover whether or not we'd qualify for a home, we were surprised that-yes we could-but we qualified for far more than what we could reasonably afford in reality.

Tip 1: Just because your bank tells you that you can afford a, for example, 200K home, doesn't mean that you actually can.

So then how can you decide what you are able to manage? Well, if you are renting, then you know exactly what you can manage. If you are living at home, I would suggest an entirely different route to discover this-we'll get to that later.

                   Dear Renter,

How do you find your monthly rent/hydro/rental insurance payments? Do you ever struggle making any one of these payments? Are you a two income family that could potentially turn to one income (if you are, go off of what one person can reasonably afford)?
If you are managing your monthly payments without on! If you are struggling, then you need to assess what you can reasonably afford-in rent-before continuing.

Let's use an example:

You are paying $1000/month in rent + $120/utilities +$30/renters insurance. You can comfortably afford a $1150 a month on a mortgage AND expenses.
Please note: from here, you really need to do your research, specific to your city/town/municipality.

Now let's consider the expenses:

- 75.00 Monthly Municipal Sewer/Water/Garbage Fees (Check out your local municipality for more information.)
- 150.00 Hydro Bill (Do your research, if you are looking for something comparable to where you are already living, then you will have a good idea of what it costs. Ask around, find out what utilities are available to you. You might not have the means to go off of wood heat 100% of the time to reduce costs on your Hydro bill. You may not have Natural Gas as an option, every one's situation is different.)
- 100.00 Home Owners Insurance (This is another area in which you must do your research as it depends on the type of home you have, the type of heating sources, the age, the cost of the home and what it would take to replace. It also depends on whether or not you include Life Insurance and/or Critical Insurance with this. (We chose not to in our case because my husband has a plan through work which we maxed out, plus we have private insurance to top it up.))
-167.00 Maintenance Fees (This is based on a 100K home with 2% Annual  Maintenance fees divided over 12 months.)
-XXX.XX STRATA FEES (We decided to get a home that was strata-free, with the understanding that our maintenance fees need to be carefully spent so that we have money tucked away for situations like the hot water heater breaking.)
$658.00 Left over for Mortgage Fees

With a 25 year Mortgage, at 5.24% Interest, your mortgage would be $654 for a $110,000 House

Now let me ask...was that what you thought you would be able to afford?

When you pull up, does anything come up in your price range, in an area that you like, where you are searching? Often times, there really isn't much for options. What do you do then? SAVE! The more you put down, the less of a mortgage you incur.

                Dear 'living-at-home-or-other'...

The above applies, but in order to be sure that you can tuck that money away this is my suggestion. Decide what you think you could afford for monthly payments. Let's say you think you can afford $1150, now you need to tuck that money away every month into a bank account that you cannot gain access to for a min. of 6 months. If you are able to do so, and don't miss the money-you may be ready for home ownership. Plus, you have just saved up more towards a down payment for your first home.


Remember that you must have...

---5% of principal cost on the home you are purchasing for a down payment (on a $110,000 home that amounts to $5500)
---on average $300-$500 for a home inspector
--- on average $300-1000 legal fees (which can vary between notaries and lawyers, and then area in which you are purchasing)
---moving costs
From the get go you are looking at $6100-7000, excluding moving costs, on a 110K home.

So do yourself a favor. Before you start scoring out MLS, local adds, kijiji, craigslist, do the math. Don't waste your time, or get your hopes up with unrealistic expectations.

When you are honest with yourself, you'll have a much better buying experience. be continued...

...when purchasing a home, seek out professional advice...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In love with design...

I just spent the last hour ogling over pictures and drawing out ideas.


Nursery Ideas.

A friend of mine is having a baby, and I am just dying to design yet another nursery room after finally completing my daughters room.

It truly is one (of the many) passions I have. There is something about working towards perfection in a room that becomes someones space of bliss, relaxation and complete comfort.

Maybe I should have gone to school for it---there is so much to learn.

For now I will dabble.

Learning as I go.

Seaspray, Storington gray, abalone, refreshing teal, light yellow, oak...these shall be the colors that swim in my mind...until the next project of course!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bubble Wrapped Kids

You may have had a chance to see an episode or know, the one with the "world's worst mom" going into people's homes and teaching them how to let go of their own fears, so that their children can learn how to experience the world around them...

It gets me thinking.

What a world of extremes we seem to have.

On one hand-we have the helicopter parents (as seen on this TV show).

On the other hand-we have parents who aren't involved enough, that lean on technology/money/friends to entertain and school/others to raise their children.

So how do we find the balance?

With Jay only 13 months old, I am more or less let off the hook until she's older...right?!


All of these habits begin from infancy...not at some magical age where you have to make a choice one way or the other.

This is the key though, you have to make a choice. You have to make the choice to stay balanced. You have to take each opportunity that comes your way as an opportunity to practice finding that balance.

Most importantly though, no matter which parental class you fall under, the helicpoter, the 'let-them-be', the are going to make mistakes, those mistakes don't mean that you don't love your kid(s), it means that you are human.

So if this gives you cause to pause, and reassess, and you find that there is work to be it with this confidence-you are not alone, because I am doing the exact same thing, right along with you.

Let's not bubble wrap our kids. Let's teach them to be happy, healthy and safe...let's find the balance--and encourage others to find that balance in their own life.

Monday, February 20, 2012

I'm baaaaaaccck...


So, it's been a while right.

So many reasons...and weeks ahead to catch up on what happened...

More importantly...why the return?

It's the way things go for a budding author. Sometimes you are inspired, thoughts and creativity seeps from your pores, and then, sometimes life (or your own mind) gets in the way from the 'flowing' ability.

This morning I opened up my email though and was thrilled to find that I was going to be having an article published.

All the reasons and excuses I had for writing just didn't seem to add up. So I am back, and recommitting to writing as often as I can...

Sometimes we just need a little pat-on-the-back, a pick me up of sorts, to help us get back on track.
