Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What do I do all day?

I wake up, shower (by myself because I dragged myself out of bed before my hubby had to go work). It was a 'wear the hair up' day-thank goodness because she was up and ready to go.

We eat breakfast. Lucky me-Daddy, who was up earlier, made her oatmeal to go with her banana.

So we eat.

We read a few books.

We go upstairs and get dressed.

I decide that I am going to have an easy day, just putz around, tidy up...

She goes to the front closet (which I didn't check to see if it was closed) and took out her jacket and shoes and brought them to me.

Talk about guilt trip!

So we walked to the hardware store (just for the sake of walking somewhere) to check out plants. We even managed to stop in and see her Daddy!

We get home, and luckily its nap time!

I sit down for a small snack and then-her Dad is home for lunch. And I precede to whoop his butt on some Mario Kart. Hey, just because I have a kid doesn't mean I still can't play like one.

He goes back to work, I get about 15 minutes through a show and some down time and 'you know who' is up.

So we eat PB&J sandwiches...which are a total mess by the way-but really cute to watch her eat.

Then as I am tidying up she comes to me with one shoe on-on the right foot, and beaming ear to ear. You have to reward her for her efforts--how could I say 'no'?

So I decided that now is as good a time as any to drop off some letters to the neighbours about a park clean-up on Earth Day that I am arranging.

Half way through we started getting stalked by this little dog, so we call animal control...this dog is always on the loose, has had a few near misses with the car, and I just didn't feel comfortable with him stalking my child. Hope the owners aren't totally pissed-but at the same time-put your dog on a leash! A lead! In a fenced yard! Anything!

Then we continue on, meet a few new neighbours. Just as we finish up my daughter gets it in her head that she wants to play in the park. It's now raining, and I am tired, my arms are tired from carrying her...

I had to take her kicking and screaming poor thing-I really think she could spend all day out there.

So its 3:30pm.

4 1/2 hours to bedtime.

10 bucks says she gets her Dad to take her out when he gets home...at least it will give me some time to clean I suppose.

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