Monday, April 16, 2012

Dollar$ and $en$e: We are drowning in debt

We are drowning in debt.

And it's so depressing.

We tried to cut back and live on cash, we don't go out all that often, cancelled any and all plans for travelling unnecessarily...and guess what...?!

Stuff still ends up on VISA, and the debt is going no where!

It's so depressing, to sit down and review the past few months and realize that despite your best intentions-what you are doing just isn't working anymore.

We're starting to look at anything else we can cut back (and trust me-there isn't much), we are looking at cashing in the few savings (RRSP's) we do have to pay off the debt (and trust me-there isn't much, especially after those fees)...oh yes, and I am dragging out my wedding dress and letting that go to the highest bidder.

Yet, it hardly feels like it's going to do anything-why?!

We are just under a whopping 60K in consumer debt and it has been growing-not shrinking. Which is frustrating because we don't have a lavish lifestyle by any means. That number by the way, doesn't include our 88K mortgage. Now that is the scariest thing of all...we owe 68% of our mortgage amount---on CONSUMER DEBT! YUCK.

We could have 1+ 2/3 of our home with the debt we have incurred.

Those of you who don't have debt-bravo.
Those of you acquiring-STOP NOW before you get where we are.

I sat at the kitchen table and bawled my eyes out after looking at the numbers-in red. Being almost 7 months pregnant doesn't help, because while the obvious thing would be to go and make more money, we are talking about putting my 15 month old in daycare and my working for...maybe 2 months?!

My reality...after losing the RRSP's, the wedding dress, the few 'frills' we have less, I am now looking at losing time with my children well before my year of (unpaid) maternity.

If I could have done it all over again, I would have-in a heart beat. Don't make the same mistake and leave it until you hit rock bottom-because rock bottom, it hurts.

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