Wednesday, May 16, 2012

60 Days left, 30 day Love Challenge

I jumped on an electronic countdown this morning to see how much longer I had until the projected due date for Chickpea.

60 Days.

60 DAYS!!!

Now, we all know that 60 days doesn't mean anything, Jay was 8 days late. Really, any time between 40-80 days is fair game.

However, 60 days-yikes! I have so much to do in that time!

Now those of you that have braved the 2nd+ child frontier before us know that as that time ticks closer, it's another reminder of one (extremely important) thing, already shrunken in size, that will practically disappear altogether once the next one arrives.

I'm talking about quality couple time.

The reality is, its one of the things both of us feel like we lack on a regular basis, and can often lead to an argument over 'who-tries-harder-to-get-time-together'. With usually only about 1-2 hours of down time, where Jay is sleeping,  we are too exhausted to make anything meaningful out of it. Plus, we often divy that time up to 'I-need-space-to-myself' time.

Then I happened to see this on Pinterest-
29 Days to Great Sex Day 10: 16 Ways to Flirt with Your Husband
and it got me thinking... I rarely make a point of flirting with my hubby. After almost 6 years together, we've gotten lazy. I know that he loves me, he knows that I love him...but we really haven't worked on that part of relationship all that much.

Now don't get me wrong, the best part about being married is not being in on the dating scene and knowing instead that you have a partner for life. So, it not being a constant flirt-fest is not awful.

But I still am a firm believer in keeping the heat in a relationship! I love my husband, I'm attracted to my husband...and I want him to know that!

We need something to boost our love life (and no, I  am not just talking about sex). We need to find time, do something meaningful for each other, and overall, just remind ourselves about why we are building a family to begin with.

So we are going to do a 30 day love challenge. In many ways, this can be totally taken as cheesy. I realize this. Can't I just find time to do something nice, spend more time with him-without making a big spectacle about it?

Well sure.

However, we know we aren't the only ones having these struggles, and so we want to share our journey of 30 days to a better 'us'.

30 Day Love Challenge:

Each day we must carve out time to do something nice for each other. It doesn't have to be a full out date, flowers and a movie type of thing. It just has to be something nice for each other...a flirtatious gesture of sorts.


Repeats don't count--though welcome in combination!
Cannot be a 'tit-for-tat' gesture. (ex. a massage that day does not equate the expectation of a massage from the other that day...I think we can all agree that what we are able to give varies on the day/stress level etc;'s above giving what we can to the other. Without strings, without 'doing-one-better-than the other'.)

I challenge you and your significant other to give it a try too. We'll let you know what things worked, and what things didn't (if any) and what the result is (so keep checking back). We hope though, that this inspires you to focus on your relationship as well!

Have some good ideas for flirting/date ideas/nice things to do?...Or want to share your own story?Share it here!

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