Friday, May 18, 2012

For those of you with 2 kids+...

You know how with the first pregnancy you could tell people exactly how far a long you were?

People would ask "how much longer" and your response was something a long the lines of "9 weeks, 4 days-give or take a few hours" as if those few hours are really the deciding factor in your childs appearance into the world.

No, I'm not making fun, I was the exact same way.

With my daughter (though we didn't know it was her at the time), her bedroom was done (and re-done because I was having major nesting issues) well before I was 5 months along. My hospital bag was also packed around 6 months 'just in case'. I had filled out all my paperwork and was 'good to go' before 9 months. I was prepared!

Now I'm about 31-almost 32 weeks pregnant...I haven't got the hospital bag ready, the babies room is about half way there...

With a short trip here planned for the long weekend I definitely feel a little guilty, and more than a little unprepared should the unexpected happen.

I feel comforted though by the fact that my good friend and seasoned Mom of a 2 year old and 3.5 month old was totally where I am at right now not that long ago-and she has done a-okay.

Though her encouragment to get it done and not procrastinate will lead to me getting it done this long as something else doesn't come up...

30 Day Love Challenge update:

Day One-Hubby fixed my jogging stroller and made me a lovely chalk drawing-so cute, sweet and simple. I left him notes up the stairs. Funny how just making a point of doing something actually had us talking about more than how to survive the next day and how we barely made it through the current one before bed.
Day Two-We played 'Truth or Dare'. It was so much fun, I realized at one point that I don't think I'd laughed as hard as I did in a long time. It's hard to ask 'truths' because after 6 years, there is so much that you do know about each other, it can be tough to get creative. It's not very often that we just play around and be 'goofy'--so nice!

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