Saturday, July 16, 2011

Expect the Unexpected

We left when it was raining.

The forecast called for rain all day.

It went through sporadic moments of drizzle to downpour.

We were prepared for it.

Extra clothing, puddlejumpers, rain jackets, rain cover for the stroller, toques (because it is cold)...

Filomi Parade was great. The events after were fun.

Despite the rain, we were enjoying our time.

Then for 20 glorious minutes it was sunny.

20 minutes of real, honest to goodness, sun.

We were prepared for rain-but not the sun.

So now I feel guilty.

My little ginger girl has a mild sunburn.  Her first sunburn of many that I am sure are to come...(but hopefully kept to a minimum where I can help it)...

What was I thinking? Why did I know bring the sun tan lotion? Her hat?

Why didn't I just put the sunscreen on in the a.m. regardless of the forecast that never really tells the whole truth anyways?

Now I wonder...what is worse, the pain she may feel, or the guilt I feel?

Tomorrow it calls for rain...but, I think I'll keep the sunscreen on hand.

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