Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Arlene Dickinson...saves our little town?

This past weekend, our little town has been a hive of busy bees.

Arlene Dickinson has that affect on people.

With the economy the way it has been in the past years, complicated by the fact that our town survives solely on fishing, logging  and (once upon a time) mining and, thankfully, the surrounding First Nations communities---it doesn't look good for local business.

In fact, it's hardly shocking when another one bites the dust.

However, this past weekend, we were thinking of anything but our, potentially-slowly dying town; instead, or minds were in the clouds, dreaming up the possibilities that our small town has to afford.

We all stood behind a local business, 'Hardy Buoys', who were filmed for CBC "The Big Decision"...their hope, for Arlene Dickinson to help invest in an invaluable piece of our community.

It has me thinking...even at the worst of times, when it feels like there is nothing else that can be done, the unimaginable can happen. If Arlene Dickinson can travel all the way to our little town-then surely, there is hope, not just for struggling business, but struggling families.

It'll be a wait, April 2nd, until we find out whether or not Hardy Buoys will be in the green again, but until then, all of us will be imagining the seemingly impossible...because, dreams really can come true.

So what's your dream?

What have you done to see it happen?

You might not need Arlene, but surely there is something you can do to make it happen-I certainly think you are worth it-don't you?!

1 comment:

  1. So I wanted to post, now the CBC has aired the episode of 'Big Decision'...and I did want to let you know that Arlene decided to invest in Hardy Buoys! We are so happy for them, their family, their workers, and for our town...
    Also wanted to let you know that if you go into Dominoes pizza in BC this month and ordered a pizza with shaved salmon---that's from Hardy Buoys! Enjoy!
