Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I just spent the last hour trying to create a foot path in the play room/guest room.

A foot path!!!

As you can imagine, it's not quite being used for what it was intended to, not right now anyways.

But, since we scored a futon on the cheap to go in there it has become my job, to organize it so that we can get the futon in there.

Now I knew we had a lot of stuff (and I am not someone who holds on to anything and everything), but standing in the middle of the room, amongst boxes, toys and 100 other things---I felt like the room might cave-in on me at any moment.

Now there isn't much I can get rid of with baby #2 on the way. It just wouldn't make sense. I do look forward to the day where I can pick up all the boxes that I played tetris with in the closet though and gt rid of them.

How many of you are stuffed to the brim with items that you have neither used, nor looked at in the last year? Don't you think it's time to go through your stuff and get rid of it?

I promise you, you'd feel so much better.

Now, for a quick snack...and back to the disaster!

Wish me luck.

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