Friday, March 2, 2012

Don't blame the teachers for your lack of parenting...

As wife of a teacher, and having worked in the school system as a First Nations Support Worker, I certainly have thoughts regarding the upcoming strike.

I think most people have thoughts one way or another.

I am choosing not to use this forum as a way to discuss or sway one way or another.

However, I did want to make a comment on something I heard on CBC this morning that had me beyond irate...that had less to do with teachers walking, and more to do with parenting.

George Abott apparently had interviews with parents who came out of the wood work saying things to the affect of "we just found out that my child will not be graduating this year with their peers because they failed a class" .

This is the argument put forth to encourage the government to legislate the teachers back to work.

Parents: You do not get to to blame the teacher strike, or job action from September for your poor parenting skills! If you are not involved in your child's education, and taking the necessary steps to ensure their success---that's on YOU! It's YOUR child---YOU NEED TO PARENT.

Teachers are still tracking marks and grades, they just aren't being sent home. As a parent-it is your responsibility to have those discussions with your children, and their teachers to ensure they are on track. No teacher is going to deny you or your child their grades.

In fact, after talking to a few teachers, they have stated that this job action has been a blessing for that very reason, that parents HAVE to be more involved and can't just wait until they get a piece of paper in the mail that indicates where their child is at.

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