Monday, May 28, 2012

Beyond the Crib

Buying our first home before Jay was a year old was a big step. It was also one of the best investments we've made thus far...

I could not wait to get my hands on her room. I had always wanted a really funky room when I was growing up, and so I wanted to make sure that Jay's first room in our first room was perfect. Of course, I was also already pregnant and aware that Jay and baby would be sharing a room, so it would have to be gender neutral enough to get both of them in there-regardless of what the sex was.

I remember doing the finishing touches on this room, on Jay's big girl bed and thinking to myself "hard to believe that in a few months she actually be sleeping in this bed!"

So those months went by a little fast.

It was getting to that point where we needed to start getting her comfortable with the idea of sleeping in her toddler bed instead of the crib.

I think she was ready, my hubby was ready...and me? Well, truth be told, I found it really hard. I knew that she was going to be totally fine...but it was hard making the switch because it was one big way of letting go of the last little 'baby' thing and welcoming the world of toddlers.

I am in no rush for my daughter to grow up too fast. With baby #2 and her being so close, I am also conscience of not wanting her to be 'pushed' to grow up before she is ready. 

She'll never go back to the crib now-it has been a week and she loves her big girl bed. I'm also okay now too. I'm well aware that holding your child back hinders rather than helps...

This post is to all those Mom's and Dad's out there that have struggled with the little ways that remind us that our babies just aren't 'babies' anymore...I totally get it, and I am here to tell you, that it's going to be okay.

It's also totally okay to have a hard time with it, as long as you don't let that take away from the positives of the situation.

We are beyond the crib, just as we were beyond the boob, and one day we will be beyond the diapers...I wonder if I will be upset over that one? 

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