Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's one of the best parts about being a parent.

When it's not your kid, you have to give them back at some point... (okay, I realize that sometimes that can be a good thing).

When it is your kid, you have full permission to wrap them in your arms and cuddle them as long as, well, as long as they'll lay there with you.

Yesterday I was laying on the couch watching Horton Hears a Who and the next thing I new, both my daughter and I were dozing.

A small little pool of drool was collecting on my chest and I could smell her sleepy dragon breath-it was bliss. (I'll have you know, it was her drool, not mine!)

One day she isn't going to want to cuddle up to her Mommy and she certainly won't fall asleep in my arms like she did just then.

I took it all in, locking that moment in my memory.

Take time to cuddle today. Regardless of the things that 'have' to be done, take time to soak in the moments that you can't get back. Laundry, there will always be laundry...and dishes, and vacuuming, gardening and dusting. Our children though...they ever-changing.

Take time.


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